Challenge: “adda” is the online magazine of the Commonwealth Foundation that draws on the creativity of writers, poets and illustrators to form a platform for creative expression from across the Commonwealth. The online magazine for 2023 featured essays or memoir, short fiction and poetry with illustrations and is laid out according to its own branding format. Departing from the online format the Foundation decided to bring out two limited edition printed magazines with selected short stories and poems to reach an audience that influences policy and practice. The dimensions, the text, the order of the text and graphic elements, were provided by the editorial board but I had to develop the blue print for the lay out of the print version making it concise and attractive so that even a non-literary audience would engage to read the magazine and especially engage with issues.
Response: As an illustrator for the “adda” online magazine since 2022, I drew on my past experience of creating a harmonious relationship between the text and images, to develop guidelines for the printed magazine. I used the minimalistic style of the online magazine to lay out the print version.